Episode EightClassification
Lesson Goal Think about the characteristics we use to group things and experience the process of using characteristics to group things. Our second goal is to learn about the similarities and differences of skeletons over many thousands of years and make connections across time.
- A big pile of assorted screws (we used 2,000!)
- Introduction to Classification Worksheet
- Introduction to Human Evolution Worksheet
- Access to a variety of human pelves and assorted skulls
- Introduction to Hominin and and Human Anthropology Worksheet
Step One - Introduction to Classification
- Break into groups and sort the big pile of screws into unique piles.
- Make notes about what traits or characteristics you and your group use to put the screws into much smaller piles.
- Complete the Introduction to Classification Worksheet
Step Two - Introduction to Human Evolution
- Watch the 20-minute video, Great Transitions: The Origins of Humans
- Complete the Introduction to Human Evolution Worksheet
- Think about this as you watch the video:
What characteristics do scientists use to determine classification?
How do scientists determine the age of fossils that they find?
What questions do you have that are unanswered?
Step Three - Hominin and Human Anthropology
- Complete the Hominin and Human Anthropology Worksheet
- Spend 30 minutes in each of THREE stations and complete a capstone (final) event.
- Station One:
Part One: Human Pelves
Part Two: Male, Female, Juvenile, and "Odd" skulls - Station Two:
Part One: Hominin Skulls
Part Two: Using data to "date" the Skulls - Station Three: Sorting animal skulls
- Introduction to Classification Worksheet
- Introduction to Classification Worksheet
- Introduction to Classification Worksheet with Notes
- Introduction to Human Evolution Worksheet
- Introduction to Human Evolution Worksheet
- Introduction to Human Evolution Worksheet with Notes
- Introduction to Hominin and Human Anthropology Worksheet
- Introduction to Hominin and Human Anthropology Worksheet
- Introduction to Hominin and Human Anthropology Worksheet with Notes
- Download All Files